Next Cleveland Trial 5th March 2023

The Cleveland Trial
The Cleveland Trial – A traditional single lap, road based national is the premier event in the EYC calendar.
Held on the third weekend of March, the trial based in the North Yorkshire Moors around the villages of Castleton, Danby and Ainthorpe has a rich heritage with some legendary names on the winners trophy.
Section groups Birks Wood, Clitherbeck and Crossleyside are all parts of trials folklore. But the final groups, Stormy Hall and Blackmires offer spectacular sections.
The easily accessable sections where the almost natural ampitheatre of Stormy Hall has seen the trial won and lost. As some riders thrive under the beady eyes of literally several spectators, whilst others have found it intimidating.
Either way, a great trial for experts and clubman alike, if you have never ridden it – definately one for the bucket list!
-Written by Steve Currey
For all enquiries Contact
Trials contact - Mr Steve Currey, Tel 07908253649.
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